
ScribeDoll (a.k.a Katherine Gregor) is a Norwich-based translator (Italian, French and Russian), scribbler and factotum.

If you wish to contact me, please leave me a message under COMMENTS, with your e-mail address, and I will endeavour to respond to you as soon as I can.  Please note that if you do not leave your e-mail address, I have no way of responding to you (you’d be surprised how many people leave translation enquiries here – but no way of reaching them!)

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43 Responses to About/Contact

  1. Sean Clare says:

    Hi Katherine. I’m a TV producer with Newsnight at the BBC. Is there a number of email I could reach you on? It’s about something I’m working on for this evening I’m hoping you might be able to help me with.

  2. Lisa says:

    Hi Katherine! I’m looking for a translator for a one-act play (English into Italian). Can you contact me? Thanks!

    • Scribe Doll says:

      Hello, Lisa. I’m afraid I have no way of contacting you as you haven’t provided any contact details. I’m afraid I translate from Italian into English and not the other way around.

  3. metraduzioni says:

    Ciao! I am reading the wonderful book “Eva Dorme” and I will be reading also your translation, “Eva Sleeps” to be presented at the Italian Book Club of Philadelphia in September. I would love to interview you about your translating process. Let me know if you are available! A presto!, Maura

  4. Anna Khazan says:

    Dear Catherine, I don’t know why my comments do not appear below your posts. I’ve tried several times (in June, July and now) and It’s not working out!

  5. cp says:

    Just want you to know that I love your translation of The Eye Stone! https://goo.gl/siv4kZ I am a librarian, and I post on books I love…

  6. Hello there,
    I found your site by chance. I am the raven keeper at the queens castle in Knaresborough North Yorkshire. All our ravens are fully flighted and get to fly nearly every day. In 16 years I have not lost a raven yet. I have never agreed with clipping any birds wing. If the tower got their ravens young enough, I am sure like mine they would return. During the summer months when the castle is busy they are on jessies, but they get to fly free.

  7. I so enjoy reading your blog! Each post is like a slice of life: a slice of place here, a slice of past there, a slice of your day here. You do a lovely job of drawing the reader into the scene(s) and moment(s) you write of. Very often your posts feel like brief vacations, little excursions from my own busy day. Thank you for that!

    I’ve recently been asked to work on a very interesting translation-related project, but I’ve not done this sort of thing before and worry that there might be something I should pay special attention to but am not aware of. When I cast about to see who I might consult with these concerns, you came to mind. If you have time to entertain a few questions from a nervous editor, please drop me a note. Thanks, and keep writing!

  8. rammiegirl says:

    Hey! Hi, I really enjoyed reading your blog and so I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for The Sunshine Award. Participation is optional, but if you do, you can find the link here: http://rammiegirl.wordpress.com/2014/05/23/and-the-award-goes-to/

    I personally hope to get to know more of you in the future and am looking forward to seeing more of your posts! Cheers!

  9. Thank you so much. I wouldn’t have bothered you, and would just have looked “cold turkey” in the library for a collection, except I thought that you as a translator might have an inside line to what Vladimir Propp was up to with his analysis of folk tales. Thank you again for taking the trouble.

  10. Hi, Katherine. Recently, another blogger at thinkinginfragments was mentioning the work of Vladimir Propp, and I thought that maybe you could give me a tip as to where to find a good collection of Russian folktales translated into English, a fairly well-circulated translation such as a library might stock, so that I can prepare for reading Propp’s work by reading the fairy tales first. Do you know of any such collection you could recommend? Thanks if you do, thanks all the same if you don’t for being so considerate as to read this long request.

    • scribedoll says:

      To be honest, I don’t know any collection I could personally recommend because all the Russian tales I know, I was told by my grandmother, or read in a very old, early-Soviet book. However, just give me a few minutes, and I’ll see what I can find out and I’ll e-mail you.

  11. What has touched me especially is the closeness you have maintained with faith. I’ve adopted what some people regard as a “standard cop-out” of “I’m spiritual, but not religious” to deal with the fact that since I was 17 (and I’m 55 now) I haven’t regularly visited a church service except for weddings and funerals. Somehow, I think a lot of American services are less beautiful than the ones you describe, the churches less stately and historical–I think you have a decided advantage there. Add to that fact that being spoken to from the pulpit or lectern inexplicably causes me to weep silently (!), even when the address is something as bland as a minister’s one-time historical review of the history of the Unitarian Universalist church (where we one time attended service in the last twenty years), and I’m totally discouraged from attending. I don’t even know if I’m a believer, to tell you the truth. We have also attended an Episcopal (American version of Anglican) church and a funny combined Episcopal-Methodist church in that time, but nothing stuck for me.
    Right now, I’m putting most of my higher beliefs into literature and writing about literature, and yet it always heartens me when I read your posts about going into a beautiful church, and the aspects of the service there. Go figure!

  12. Looking forward to hearing more about the new city….you know, I am a Yank, and in order to get the “feel” of your new city, will need a bit more detail, if you feel like giving it. I certainly have enjoyed your tales of the differences to be found between London and the new small city, bittersweet though they are. It reminds me of the differences amongst various places I have lived in, and my difficulties at getting acclimated (and I’ve lived in A LOT of places!). If only we could really always feel, with Plato, “I am a citizen of the world.” But with your cosmopolitanism and your simultaneous feel for the small, intimate place, you’re not far off from Plato’s ideal, quite probably.

  13. Yes, as far as I am concerned, I never get offended if someone doesn’t want, for whatever reason, to accept an award. Giving you mention for your excellent work and possibly garnering you some new readers is the real purpose behind any award, and if I can do even a little of that, I’m well satisfied.

  14. Dear Katherine, I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. I hope you will have time to accept. If you want to accept the reward, you need to go to my site and read and follow the instructions (note that my site is https, not http. I have no idea why, but as of a month or two ago, the only way I could fill in the sites I wanted to link to properly–including yours–was to use https. I don’t know enough about computers to know why, because I can normally get your site using just http. If you are interested, my site and the info about the award is at https://creativeshadows.wordpress.com/ . I know you’re busy getting ready to move, so I won’t feel offended if you are too busy to participate, but I hope you will at least approve of the accolades.

    • scribedoll says:

      Thank you SO much, Shadowoperator. I am very touched. It means the world to me, that people enjoy my scribblings.
      As you say, please do not be offended if I don’t participate. A couple of weeks ago, I was nominated for two other awards and when I started asking people permission to nominate them, they declined.

      Thank you, again! :–)

  15. I have added you to my (new) links page, but I don’t think many people have found that yet!

  16. I have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award…. see my post called It Feels Good

  17. Marisha says:

    With each post I read… I become more and more inquisitive to know how you chose your words!
    They are so graceful… your posts feel more like paintings than writings! Really beautiful!

  18. I also learned to write with a nib, but found it really difficult to do cursive writing. When I changed in my teens to italic writing, a fountain pen became essential to neat writing.
    Did you know that sales of fountain pens are increasing?

  19. Alan Micheal says:

    What an interesting coincidence that we share the same Feste masthead quote:-)

  20. Hi! I am not sure how I got to your blog since I have had this tab open for some days, but really enjoyed reading some of your entries. Thanks for writing them.

  21. Wendy says:

    Well done Katia! It took me right back to New York and all! Where do you find the time?
    You”re an inspiration.

  22. Joe C. says:

    I never knew what a factotum was. Now I know since you are one.

  23. teacherluke says:

    Nice blog Katia. The “can I be honest” observations made me laugh out loud.

  24. Francesca says:

    Love it, Katia!!!!

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